Is My Sex Drive Normal?

Is My Sex Drive Normal?

Current societal prescriptions dictate that a high libido is the gold standard and the normality that we should be seeking to achieve. Given these pressures, most of us experience angst as to whether we truly measure up. In this post, I talk about sexual desire and look at what is really ‘normal’.

Eroticism: The Essential Ingredient

Eroticism: The Essential Ingredient

When it comes to sexuality, there is a profound distinction between animals and humans. Animals have sex because it is the procreative urge but only humans have an erotic life. In this post, I explore the meaning of eroticism and discuss why it is an essential ingredient to satisfying sex.

Why Sex is Not a Problem to be Fixed

Why Sex is Not a Problem to be Fixed

Many people view their sexual functioning as an operational problem that can be fixed. But while this problem-solving model may go some way in addressing people’s sexual issues, for many, it often fails to deliver the desired results. In this month's post, I talk about why sex does not operate under the same rules as fixing a machine.

Why Love Can be Detrimental to a Good Sex Life

Why Love Can be Detrimental to a Good Sex Life

In this month’s post, I introduce Esther Perel and her ideas about how love and sexual desire are related and why they potentially conflict. According to Perel, central to sustaining desire in a committed relationship is the reconciliation of two fundamental and conflicting human needs: our need for security and our need for surprise.

Sexual Playfulness

Sexual Playfulness

Playtime is usually thought of as the domain of children. Yet being playful and having fun have been found to be also important components of having a healthy and happy life regardless of age. In this month's post, I explore the wealth of possibilities for different activities to be considered as play including opportunities for enhancing your sex life.

Antidotes to the Four Horsemen

Antidotes to the Four Horsemen

In my last post, I introduced you to The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, patterns of communication so destructive to love, they are reliable predictors of a terminally unhappy relationship. If you and your partner cannot engage in conflict discussions without using these damaging behaviours consistently, it is time to learn safer and more effective ways to talk about your differences. Here's how...


Am I getting enough sex?

When it comes to sex and relationships, definitely one of the most common concerns voiced by clients is whether they are having enough sex. In essence, what they really want to know is: "Am I normal?" We humans seem to have an obsession with what is normal.